“In Aikido, before one’s opponent comes, one absorbs the intentions of his spirit/mind into oneself to control it freely. That is to say, the workings of a spiritual gravity(inryoku no tanren) makes progress. One sees the world all at once. Today, as yet, almost nobody is able to do this. I haven’t reached it, either.”
O Sensei in Aikido News issue 4
The founder sought what he called ken-po, the highest teaching or technique in Japanese swordsmanship. The ability to win before the fight is even entered. This is ai-nuke, this should be the ultimate goal of those that practice the way.
Is it enough to just have the gross motor skill to execute technique with fluidity and “harmony”, or should we expect more from those we call master?
Do not seek to be like the masters of old, but rather, seek what they sought.
The founder of Aikido didn’t seek to perfect the techniques of Aikido, but rather “to see the world all at once”.
The secret lies at the centre, along the path of surrender in a place where we must challenge the status quo, and everything we think we know about Aikido and how it has been propagated.
There is no time like now to reach out to change, the power lies within everyone who truly seeks the truth of the way.
“Harigaya Sekiun created the term Ai-nuke to describe his condition attained through sword. It is the world of ABSOLUTE PEACE THAT TRANSCENDS WINNING AND LOSING.(sound familiar again……). It is a different dimension from aiuchi.
WE SHOULD CONSIDER IT A CRUCIAL TREASURE LEFT BY A MAN OF ANCIENT TIMES………………….you must transcend dualism and enter into the realm of Ai-nuke.
But there is a problem.
It is no good just to INTELLECTUALISE the concept of Ai-nuke.
This is a very important point.
If you do not have the background and strength of aiuchi, you cannot enter the realm of Ai-nuke…………if you have not mastered aiuchi, it is impossible to learn Ai-nuke”
Omori Roshi
“When I thought of my ability to see the technical level of my opponent before the engagement, I realised that it had absolutely nothing to do with the opponents skillfulness or unskillfulness, and that it was I which was creating “skillfulness” and “unskillfulness” in the opponent. If there is “I” then there is “opponent”, and if there is no “I” then there is no “opponent”.
If one truly comprehends this principle, there will not even be the slightest discrimination between “skilful” and “unskilful”, “strong” and “weak”, “big” and “small”…..
Tesshu Yamaoka