2011 Germany, The Netherlands

2011 Germany

Basic principle
Katatekosadori kokyunage kotai/juntai/ryutai


Basic principles
Katatekosadori kokyunage kutai/kontai
Shomenuchi kokyunage kotai/juntai/ryutai
Shomenuchi ikkyo omote kotai/juntai/ryutai
Shomenuchi ikkyo ura kotai


Shomenuchi ikkyo ura kotai
Munetsuki kotegaeshi kotai/juntai/ryutai
Yokomenuchi shihonage omote kotai


Yokomenuchi shihonage omote kotai/juntai/ryutai
Yokomenuchi kokyunage omote and ura
Yokomenuchi kokyunage tenbin nage
Kokyu dosa


Katatedori tenkan kokyunage kotai/juntai/ryutai
Basic principle: Triangle / cirkel / square
Katatedori tenkan kokyunage kutai/kontai


Ushiro ryotekubidori ikkyo katameru kotai
Ushiro ryotekubidori sankyo katameru kotai
Ushiro ryotekubidori kotegaeshi
How to attack ushiro ryotekubidori at ryutai level
Ushiro ryotekubidori zenponage ryutai
Bokken Basic principles and how to hold sword
Jodan, chudan, gedan, waki-gamae posture


King of kamae, basic posture
How to cut shomen
How to pierce tsuki
How to move from waki-gamae, different cuts
Ippon kumidachi (2 persons)
Jo Basic principles, how to hold
How to pierce tsuki


Shooting Star with bokken attack in detail


2011 The Netherlands

Basic principles
Katatekosadori kokyunage kotai


Katatekosadori kokyunage kotai/juntai/ryutai/kutai/kontai
Shomenuchi irimi nage
Kokyu dosa
Katatedori tenkan kokyunage kotai


Katatedori tenkan kokyunage kotai/juntai/ryutai/kutai
Munetsuki kotegaeshi kotai


Munetsuki kotegaeshi kotai
Yokomenuchi kokyunage
Yokomenuchi shihonage omote kotai/juntai
Shomenuchi ikkyo omote kotai/juntai


Shomenuchi ikkyo ura kotai/juntai/ryutai


Ryotedori tenchi nage kotai/juntai/ryutai/kutai/kontai
Ushirodori kokyunage zenponage kotai


Ushirodori kokyunage zenponage kotai
Bokken basic principles


Ippon kumidachi
Free Wielding Sword


Free Wielding Sword


2:37 Ki taiso
10:25 Aikido Yuishinkai kata
16:56 Ryokatadori
53:44 Ushiro Ryokatadori
1:28:47 Ryotedori